Interactive Webinar on Personal Branding
Spring is such a great time to launch into new projects. Occasionally a special workshop opportunity arises and I want to let you know about it. This May, I am offering with my colleague Marc W. Halpert a 2-part interactive webinar on personal branding.
Read below for more information.
What Your Brand Needs NOW To Look Its Best
A unique multi-part interactive social webinar with customized personal feedback:
Break into virtual teams
Learn more a week later
Break into teams again
Have your work critiqued
Alissa Schwartz and Marc W. Halpert, two nationally-recognized social media branding mavens and entrepreneurs, will escort you through the best practices you need to implement rightnow to gain hi-rez market presence in your field, using the predominant business social media platform, LinkedIn.
Get by with a little help from your (virtual) friends
This is a unique opportunity. In week 1, Alissa will teach you methods of self-branding and crafting your powerhouse elevator pitch, from the benefit of her study and analysis. You will break into 4-person virtual teams and work together with objective colleagues to further develop what she taught. Then you get some homework. In session 2 a week later, Marc will discuss what you learned so far within a LinkedIn context. You break into virtual teams again and further refine your LinkedIn message. Finally Alissa and Marc will deliver a personal, customized critique of your work.
Go to a much higher strategic level. Designed for corporate executives, seasoned consultants, professional practitioners, entrepreneurs and nonprofiteers, this high-level session will build on developing your brand and enhancing how you come across on LinkedIn.
Impress viewers with your marketing materials with the help of experts and peers!
Alissa Schwartz
Mark W. Halpert
Workshop Leaders:
Alissa Schwartz, PhD
Marc W. Halpert
Early bird rate $200.00 per person til May 1, 2015, then $250.00 per person
Session 1: May 14, 2015,3:00 to 4:00 pm ET
Session 2: May 21, 2015, 3:00 to 4:00 pm ET
All via webinar from the comfort of your desk Participation is limited so make a nonrefundable reservation for yourself, clients, and your team now.
Contact Alissa Schwartz 917.828.5008,
or Marc Halpert 203.373.0875,